August/September 1999

ManufacturerTypePCB Equipment
BTULPCVD24-tube oven for 6” and 8” wafers; in excellent condition. Presently in clean room.Available September.
BTUTRS21Reflow oven with air convection, with nitrogen,Edge and SS mesh conveyor.
DEK260Screenprinter, 20”x20”, with DELALIGN II Vision.
ESEC3006 F/XWire bonder, fully automatic, 1994
Factron720, 730, 770Many spare parts available: floppy drives, power supplies, controllers etc.,etc.
GenRadGR2275Board test system, very cheap, for spares.
GenRadGR2276XPBoard test system, 640 nodes, IEEE interface,Hi-speed controller, Hi-speed clock board, 11/73 Processor.
GenRadGR228X seriesComboII boards.
MydataTP9SMD placement machine, 1995, PC Host, GS Glue Unit, Vision, feeders.
PhilipsCSM84VZ  & CSM84SMD placement machinesone CSM84VZ w. 2 camerasone CSM84 w. beampointerComplete w. Large Component Sequencer.Maintained by EMT Philips; decommissioned  May 1999.
TeradyneDR2AAnalog  boards, 29 available.
TeradyneZ1880Board test system, 1024 testpoints, Pentium PC Controller.
Universal2596ASequencer, 60 stations, V3 controller.
Universal6360ERadial inserter, 1996, 20 stations, N 60 clinch, J11 Controller, BEC=Board Error Control
ZevatechPlacemate 460SMD placement machine with full set of feeders.