December 2003

TwenTech machine list December 2003

ManufacturerType Equipment
AutosplicePCNCStandard pin inserter
DaumPlace-ItSMT placement machine, with feeders, please ask spec’s 
(placement head modified for larger components)
DEK265GSscreenprinter with vision
DEK265GSXScreenprinter, please ask spec’s
DEKInfinityScreenprinter, please ask spec’s
ElectrovertOmniflow 7Reflow oven
ErsaHotflow 7/02Reflow oven, full convection, width: 460 mm, middle support, pin and chain transport
EuroplacerEP928SMT placement machine, with feeders
EuroplacerR250SMT placement machine,  with conveyors, with feeders
Board handling systems
FujiIPIISMT placement machine with MTU/MFU’s
FujiGP641EScreenprinter, full vision, cleaning
Juki / Zevatech460 PlaceMatrSMT placement machine, with feeders
Juki / ZevatechPM570 Laser SMT placement machine, with feeders
MPM2000HiEScreenprinter, inline, wiper with liquid
Okano8005SMT placement machine, table top model, with feeders
PanasonicMV2F LL model 2559FASMT placement machine, type Q, with feeders, please ask detailed spec’s
PhilipsTopaz / Emerald lineSMT assembly line,  including: Topaz X, Emerald X, feeders carts, conveyors
PhilipsCometSMT placement machine, can place 0402-QFP 208, speed up to 14.000 components / hr
PhilipsEclipseSMT placement machine, with LCS
Seho8540Wave soldering machine, width 400 mm, dual wave, spray flux, pre-heating, PC, loader, unloader, 10 mtrs transport
SiemensSiplace 80 F4SMT placement machine, please ask spec’s
Universal6241BAxial sequencer / inserter, 80 stations, J11 controller, BEC, ERV, manuals, fully serviced
Universal6360E Rad VRadial inserter, 60 stations, J11 controller, BEC
Universal6772ADip inserter, with 72 stations, places IC’s in sockets
Fluke3051BProgramming station for Fluke 3050 Board Tester
Hewlett-Packardfor HP3173Hybrid Plus Cards part # E1046-66522 88809L Rev. B 03066-26521
Hewlett-PackardHP317X Series IITest system with 2x ASRU “C” , 2x Control Plus Card, 11x Double Density Card, 2x 6624A DUT Power Supply
KLA2138Wafer defect inspection system, please ask spec’s
(still under service contract)
TakayaAPT-8400CEFlying probe tester, please ask spec’s
Teradynefor Spectrum 88XXCC2 Channel Cards part # 048-830-00
ZevacDRS 24BGA rework system
Wanted – Gezocht – Gesucht – Recherche
ElectroglasGE-2001waferprobers in working order or defect
FujiCSM16 or CSM30 
PanasonicJVJumper wire inserter
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