November 2000

Amistar, Fuji, Panasonic, Philips, Quad, Siemens, Suzuki, Universal, Zevatech SMD-machinesfeedersBelt feeders, new, made on order, competitive prices
CosySD-04-00Screenprinter, used in technical labo.
DEK Printing MachinesDEK 260Screenprinter, brand new for special price
DEK Printing MachinesDEK 265 LT2 Screenprinters, 1998 and 1999, with Vision, 2D inspection, in-line, vacuum cleaning, pro-flow possible
DynapertMPS 318SMD machine, with 30 feeders
FlukeTroubleshooterPCB-tester, with 9132A interface
GenRadGR 2282, GR 2283, GR2284, GR 2287Board-Test-Systems, with combo I or II boards, with AFTM boards
Hewlett-Packard3073, 3173several Board-Test-Systems, Series II & III
Mimot1260SMD-machine, vision, 2 heads, for all SMD components, 0.05 mm pitch
PanasertMSH3, MV2-V, MPA-V, DEK265LTinserter radial, complete line, YOM 2000, with loader/unloader, conveyer. Plse ask detailed info.
PhilipsCSM84VZ with LCS2 mech. placement head, 1 Z-vision placement head, Vision, 3 camera’s and with LCS (large component Sequencer).
PhilipsCSM842 mech. placement head, 1 dispenser head, beampointer, 1 camera
PhilipsCSM843 mech. head, beampointer, 1 camera
PhilipsFeeders8,12,16,24 mm
SiemensSiplace 80F32 SMD machines
TeradyneZ1880-1 & 22 Component-Test-System, vector processor, delta- and wave-scan etc.
Universal6285Axial inserter, VCD, SH, V3 Controller
Universal6346ARadial inserter, Rad II, V3 Contoller, 20 or 40 stations, dual pitch
Universal6633ARadial inserter, Rad V, 40 stations, dual pitch, J II controller
various manufacturersheating chambers, temperature test chambers, vacuum chambers, climate chambersvarious types of functional chambers (1991, 1995, 1996, 1997)