September 2000

Amistar, Fuji, Panasonic, Philips, Quad, Siemens, Universal, Zevatech o.a.feedersBelt feeders, new, made on order, competitive prices
AdvantestT5591Memory Test System (ask for detailed configuration)
DEK Printing MachinesDEK 265 LTScreenprinter, 1997, with Vision
DynapertMPS 318SMD-machine, 30 feeders 8 mm
3006 F/X
3x diebonder
2x wirebonder
FujiIP-IISMD-machine, with 20 feeders
MamiyaEC 8300SMD-machine, autom.
PanasertMSH3, MV2-V, MPA-V, DEK265LTinserter radial, complete line, YOM 2000, with loader/unloader, conveyer. Plse ask detailed info.
Philips2x CSM84VZSMD-machines, with vision and large component sequencer
PhilipsCSM82 and CSM84SMD-machines, incl. dispenser head
SiemensSP120/HS180SMD-line, complete with reflow oven, dispenser, controller etc.
UMG sequencer, 20-stations, demo-model
Universal2596Rsequencer, with controller, any numbe of stations possible
Universal6346/6348add-on modules, with heads
Universal6633Ainserter radial, Rad V, 20 stations, 5.0 mm pitch, BEC, J II controller
Zeissmicroscope50-500x, with Sicolor C-180 video camera, never used.
ZevatechPlacemat 560SMD-machine, in-line machine, fine pitch, with vision, with feeders